September 2022 Welcome Meetings

Welcoming our new Nursery and Reception cohorts who will be starting with us in September 2022.
On Monday the 27th June welcome meetings were held for the parents of our new Nursery cohort which are starting with us in September 2022 and similar briefing was held on Wednesday the 29th June for parents of the new Reception cohort.
This was a wonderful opportunity to come together to welcome new members of our school community, introduce key members of the school leadership team, share information about the transition process and plans and give a little tour of the school. Governors and a representative from the Friends of Vaughan also talked about what it is likely o be part of the school community and shared ideas on how to get involved in school life.
There was a fantastic turnout, and it was lovely to be able to facilitate the forum to be able to address those queries and questions from parents and carers.
Presentation slides from the evening are linked below, if you wish to recap on any of the key messages or refer back to the transition timeline.
We very much look forward to working together and forming a strong parent - school partnership over the next 7 years.