Holiday Activities & Food Programme

Christmas camp at Vaughan 21st to 23rd December
We are pleased to say that Vaughan School will be playing host to the Holidays Activities and Food Programme (HAF) run by Superstar Sports this Christmas. The aim of the programme is to provide increased opportunities for as many children and young people as possible who are in receipt of Free School Meals (FSM) during the Christmas holidays.
They will be running a holiday club programme during the weeks of 21st to the 23rd December, and the club will operate each day from 9.00 am to 3.00 pm.
Lunch will also be provided each day and options available will comply with the School Food Standards for children and special dietary requirements can be catered for.
To be eligible to access the programme children must be:
- In receipt of benefits-related Free School Meals
- A resident in the London Borough of Harrow.
In order to register a place please sign up using the online booking form which is available at:
If your child is not eligible for benefit related free school meals but you are still interested in signing your child(ren) up, please call A limited SuperStar Sports on 01985 204 885 to check availability on paid places.