Extra-Curricular Clubs
Each term we publish a extra-curricular club offer. Clubs for those children in Reception start in the Summer term, once they have settled and established school routines.
Examples of clubs we run in school are: Football (for boys and girls), Tag Rugby, Cricket, Futsal, Netball, Hockey, Rounders, Athletics, Reading, Choir, Art, Drama and even Quidditch! These clubs are all provided free of charge by staff in school.
We also work in partnership with some external providers: e.g. KDC Dance Club, who provide dance and cheerleading clubs or Superstar Sports who provide a range of Sporting Clubs. We also have external providers teaching languages such as Spanish. Clubs run by external providers are not free and incur a small charge.
Parents receive an email inviting them to register their interest in any one free school-run club. Flyers for externally-run clubs are also given out to pupils at the beginning of each term. Parents can apply for as many paid clubs as they wish, but only one free club.
The Summer term club offer has been emailed to parents (see copies below of the internal and external club offer). Flyers for external clubs are shown below too.