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Information For Parents

This information is intended to provide clarity and transparency to pupils and parents or carers about what homework at Vaughan looks like. Please find below our new homework policy from Spring 2025.

What is homework?

Homework is work set by teachers to consolidate the learning that your child has had acces to at school as part of the curriculum for their year group. 

Accessing homework

How will my child access any online homework you are providing?

We are providing homework on the following platforms:

  • MS Teams
  • Evidence Me (for children in the Early Years) – this is for parents to see updates on what your child has been completing in school and for parents to share any learning, activities or outings they have undertaken with their child
  • Paper home learning can be provided upon request - please speak to your child's class teacher.

All pupils will have a user account created and individual user log-on details along with instructions on their use will be issued upon their enrolment at the school.

If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them?

We recognise that some pupils may not have suitable online access at home.  We take the following approaches to supporting those pupils to access online homework:

  • We have a limited number of laptops or tablets which we may be able to loan to pupils where they do not have access to a device at home.  Where there is the ability to lend equipment, an appropriate loan agreement will be put in place – this is primarily for families who may be eligible for pupil premium funding and are need-assessed.

Please find below the project-based homework for your child's year group as per the new homework policy introduced this term (Spring 2025).

UPLOADS TO FOLLOW Friday 10.1.24