School forms
Please find below a selection of school forms which parents may be asked to complete.
Downloadable Welfare medication forms
If your child requires medication while they are in school, please download the Welfare medication form that you require, and bring the completed form to school with any medication your child needs.
School staff will then administer the medication as per your instructions.
School Trip Form
Please use the School Trip Form below if you have misplaced a trip letter for your child's upcoming trip. Once completed, it should be given to either your child's class teacher, or the school office.
Leaving Vaughan Form
If you are moving away from Harrow and will be leaving Vaughan Primary School, please complete the form below (Leavers form for parents to complete) and give it to the school office or email it to to advise us of your child's last day in school and their new address and school (if they have been allocated a school).